Hazel - Organic Farm Stay (Day 70)

Hi!  This is Hazel here (with some typing help from Dad).  I want to tell you about our 4 days at an organic farm outside of Cape Town.  Huey and I went with Costanza and Cece and Grantastic (Mom’s parents) while Mommy and Daddy went off on their own for a few days.  


We could go to the garden and harvest our own vegetables– carrots, beets, kale, turnips and even edible flowers!  


It was fun.  Huey really loved pulling out the fennel !  He loved eating fennel too. He said it tasted sort of like licorice.


We woke up and collected eggs from the hens.  We found some teeny tiny eggs and some really big ones.  We brought our eggs back and got them hard boiled and then we cracked them on our foreheads!  Huey and I love opening hard boiled eggs that way!!  


The farm had the most amazing breakfast!  They had the best strawberries and blueberries we ever had.  They also had water buffalo yogurt and honey you spoon from a honeycomb.  They also had gooseberries and passion fruit with these little seeds inside that someone else told me are ants but they are not really.

The farm had an Italian night where you could make your own pizza.  I also got to try some cool onions.  The onions were really juicy and they tasted great.  They had lots of different types of olives. I love olives!   Costanza said my pizza was the best pizza she has had since she left Italy!  Really.


They also let us help with bread baking.  We made a long flat bread with cheese.  Then we rolled it up around a whole pear!  Then we made garlic bread. It had half of a whole garlic in the middle.  


Huey and I got name tags like we worked at the farm restaurant.  It made me feel important to have the name tag. 


The farm was also full of fun kid activities!  My favorite part was making bath salts.  We took salt and crushed it with a mortar and pestle.   We put in oil, flowers and a scent (I did rose geranium).  It is good for calming you and good for your brain.  Huey made lavender.


Another time we made face masks (like a special beauty cream not a scary mask).  It was really fun!  You would use different types of clay oil and honey.  We stirred it up a lot and made it into a cream and then in the afternoon Cece Costanza and I put them on our faces and left them on for about 30 minutes.


We also did a scavenger hunt on the farm.  There were lots of great clues and you got to walk around the property and see different types of trees and flowers.  The clues were in boxes that looked like colorful birdhouses.  


They were hidden in cool places like the lavender garden, the chicken house, next to a human sized weaver nest and inside the salmon trout pond.  In the end, we got organic popsicles as a prize!

The farm had a big lake and we went out on a raft where you pulled yourself out into the lake with a rope above us.  We tried fishing but we didn’t catch anything.  

We escaped to Costanza’s back yard and made a lair for Pan, the Greek god of nature.  We made the lair inside a huge tree.  We also had a table.  We made bracelets and crowns out of bendy branches and leaves.  
